
  • 课程总览

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  • 京宝宝™尊重儿童个体,以儿童兴趣为主导,让孩子做学习的主人。在日常教学中,我们结合幼儿“从玩中学”的天性,贯穿蒙特梭利教学理念和方法,致力打造一个独具匠心的中英双语教学环境。


  • 幼童班

  • The hands help the development of the intellect.

    — Maria Montessori


    At JINGBAO™, we provide a child-centered learning environment that is enriched with sensory and hands-on activities, both indoor and outdoors, to foster children’s independence, self-expression and motor skills.

    在一个 沉浸式的中文环境里(90%的中文比例), our teachers offer ample opportunities and encourage toddlers to feed themselves, dress and undress independently, tidy up after play, and express their ideas using words. A day in the JINGBAO™ toddler class is always filled with fun!

  • 常见问题













  • 学前小班

  • The role of education is to interest the child profoundly in an external activity to which he will give his full potential.

    — Maria Montessori


    At JINGBAO™, we maintain our commitment to providing a child-centered learning environment that nurtures children’s independence, coordination, concentration, self-control, self-awareness, and confidence. Our students engage in practical life activities that support their ability to care for themselves, their surroundings, and others. Through hands-on experiences, they use the five senses to explore concepts such as sizes, shapes, colors, tastes and sounds using various materials. Our education on grace and courtesy teaches children how to interact politely with others.

    在一个 70-80%的中文语言环境中,老师们通过每日对话以及有目的性的学习活动不断扩展学生的中英文词汇量。孩子们可以辨别大部分英文字母的发音,掌握30至50个简单汉字并使用中英双语进行日常对话。

  • 常见问题






    3. Can my child attend the program if neither parent speaks Mandarin Chinese?

    Yes, we welcome all children regardless of their language and cultural background. Our teachers primarily use Mandarin Chinese but incorporate English to support children’s learning, especially as they initially join our program. As your child progresses, we will gradually increase the use of Mandarin Chinese in daily activities and interactions.

    4. What are the Mandarin Chinese language expectations for lower Casa children?

    Children at this age are highly receptive to spoken language and quickly grasp words, phrases and sentence structures. In a 100% Mandarin Chinese immersion program, children typically fully understand teachers’ instructions within about three months. After eight months to a year, most children start using complete sentences, including nouns, verbs, simple adjectives, and adverbs. They can retell short stories, use the language to solve problems, and recite songs, poems, and nursery rhymes.

    5. How do you assess student performance?

    We use the Montessori curriculum assessment tool and student developmental report cards to evaluate students twice a year. Some sites also use an online evaluation tool called The Transparent Classroom to track students’ ongoing progress.

  • Upper Casa

    3.8-6 years old
  • Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into.

    — Maria Montessori

    From 3.8 to 6 years old, children enter a sensitive period for refining movement coordination. During this phase, they learn to read and write, and their unique personalities blossom alongside their substantial interest in social relationships.

    At this stage, children are naturally inquisitive and inquisitiveness drives them to ask questions constantly. The carefully designed Montessori environment empowers students to establish a robust foundation in English and Mandarin Chinese literacy, logical thinking, problem-solving, mathematical concepts, and science. Depending on the specific needs of the local community, the use of Mandarin Chinese at this age ranges from 50% to 60%.

    Our program’s teaching format includes:

    • Weekly show-and-tell
    • Daily peer tutoring
    • One-on-one presentations
    • Project-based group learning

    Our graduates have the ability to converse proficiently in both English and Mandarin Chinese, setting the stage for a solid academic foundation as they transition to Grade One.

  • 常见问题

    1. What is the daily schedule for Upper Casa children in the program?

    Upper Casa students begin their day with morning snacks and Montessori work. They can choose their preferred activities or continue any unfinished tasks from previous days. The morning work period finishes around 10:15 a.m., followed by a group Montessori circle and outdoor activities. A nutritious hot lunch is served at noon. This age group does not have naptime. In the afternoon, students engage in weekly Mandarin projects, social, science, and art activities, as well as Chinese writing practice. Students take turns each day to assist in the school kitchen or help teachers in their classroom. They also enjoy healthy afternoon snacks and outdoor playtime before the end of the school day.

    2. What are the Mandarin Chinese language expectations for Upper Casa?

    Children at this age are eager to explore reading and writing and continue to expand their vocabulary through daily conversations with teachers. They are expected to use prepositions to describe positions, create short phrases with adjectives or adverbs, conduct show-and-tell or short presentations independently, and begin to produce complex sentences using conjunction words like “and”, “or” and “but”. They can recognize simple characters and are familiar with Chinese strokes.

    3. How does JINGBAO™ support a child with behavior issues?

    Similar to language and math, social skills can be educated. At JINGBAO™, we use positive reinforcement to encourage grace and courtesy in our program. By modeling proper behavior and encouraging students to follow suit, our teachers provide tools for children to independently solve problems. Teachers frequently employ effective strategies such as “renewal”, “choice”, and “redirecting” to support individual development. Our supervisors and teachers collaborate with parents to develop an action plan when necessary.

    4. Will JINGBAO™'s curriculum ensure a smooth transition for my child to their future English school?

    In Montessori, the English language sequence progresses from introducing sounds to composing complete sentences, with a focus on reading, written language, and grammar. At JINGBAO™, English literacy begins in Lower Casa. When students graduate from Upper Casa, most can read long phonetic words and start producing short sentences in writing. We also introduce other school subjects in both Mandarin Chinese and English, including math, culture and science. We are confident that our Upper Casa graduates will smoothly transition to their future English schools.

    5. Do the students learn Chinese Pinyin at JINGBAO™?

    Upon completing the Upper Casa program, students will be introduced to Pinyin, which is Chinese phonics. This introduction can occur through various options, such as summer camps, after-school programs, Saturday school, or private/small-group learning. We recommend starting the Pinyin instruction after students have established a solid foundation in English alphabets.

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