Frequently Asked Questions

  • General Questions

    1. What exactly is the JINGBAO™ program?

    The JINGBAO™ program is a full day Mandarin/English immersion learning for children age 18 months to 6 years old. Our goal is to help young children develop Mandarin language skills in early years while encouraging their all-round developments in different areas such as physical, language, cognitive and social-emotional.

    2. Who is a good fit for JINGBAO™?

    Every child is welcome to join JINBAO™, regardless of their language and culture background. We focus on language acquisition in early years. It might not be a good fit for those who have challenges in language development. Children who are confident and eager to learn are the best fit for our program.

    3. My child and family do not speak Mandarin. Can my child attend the program?

    Yes, your child can attend our program. Although we use Mandarin as the main language (80%), we also use English to assist your child’s Mandarin learning, especially when he/she first join our program. As your child progresses along, we will increase the use of Mandarin through daily activities and interactions.

    4. What is the daily schedule of a toddler, preschooler and kindergartener in the program?

    Toddlers start their day with Mandarin rhymes. We keep their fingers and feet busy with creative arts and outdoor play. A nutritious hot lunch is served at 11:30am then take a nap. Their afternoon starts with a healthy snack, following by story time, practical life practices and outdoor adventures.

    Preschoolers start their day with discussions of today’s weather and a topic of their interests, following by Montessori work and outdoor activities. A nutritious hot lunch will be served at 11:30am then take a nap. Their afternoon starts with a healthy snack, following by story time, independent work and outdoor adventures.

    Kindergarteners go with a 50-50 immersion model. They start the day with art classes or Montessori work that are taught in English language. After the lunch break, they spend their time in learning Math and Science in Mandarin language. Two periods of outdoor play time are scheduled in the morning and afternoon.

    5. My child is only a couple of months old, but I'm very interested in the program. How do I get placed on the waitlist?

    The minimum age requirement is 18 months old. You may request to get placed on the waitlist by contacting the site supervisor directly through email or phone. We will contact you when the time is getting close given a space is available. It is always a good idea to check in with the site supervisor periodically to express your interest.

    6. How can I arrange a site tour and see how the program runs?

    You may contact the site supervisor directly to arrange an in-person site tour. Virtual tour (via Zoom) is also available during the pandemic.

    7. Do you offer a refund fo any absences?

    No refunds will be issued for missed days due to personal reasons, statutory holidays or snow closures.

    8. Do you offer discounts for siblings?

    We do offer a 5% discount for the second child in the same family.

    9. Do you offer any part-time spots?

    Some of the sites offer part-time spots. Please check with the site supervisor for specific details.

    10. It is the first time my child attends a school/daycare. Should I start with part-time or full-time?

    We highly recommend your child to start with full-time. It will aid your child to develop a daily routine faster and better adapt to a new environment. Your child may go with a shorter duration in the first couple of days (e.g. 9:00am-2:00pm) and gradually increase the hours.

    11. What do I need to bring for my child on the first day?

    Each site has a list of items that your child will need at daycare. Please see Parent Resources for the checklists.

    12. How many meals do you serve in a day?

    We serve two snacks and one hot lunch in a day.

    13. Are there any additional snacks provided to my child outside of the scheduled snack times?

    We schedule snack times to help children developing a healthy eating habit. When your child first gets started, we suggest parents to observe and see how it goes for the first one or two days.

    14. Do you give over the counter medication?

    JINGBAO™ staffs can only administer prescription medication in its original container.

    The medication must be affixed with the original pharmacists’ label indicating name of the child, medication prescribed, dosage, and expiry date.

    Over the counter medication will only be administered when accompanied by a written letter from your child’s doctor stating the name of the child, medication prescribed, dosage, duration, expiry date, reason for administering. In both cases, parents must compete a JINGBAO™ Medication Form for permission.

    Please proceed to Parent Resources and read JINGBAO™ Parent Handbook for more details.

    15. What is your teacher-to-student ratio?

    The ratio is 1:5 for toddlers; 1:8 for preschoolers; 1:13 for kindergarteners (before-and after-school) and 1:15 for school-agers (before-and after-school).

    16. What qualifications does the staff have?

    All JINGBAO™ staff are required to have a valid First-Aid and CPR-C certificates, health and criminal reference checks. All of our Early Childhood Educators have a degree or diploma in Early Childhood Education, AMI/MACTE Accredited Montessori Teacher Diploma or Teacher Assistant Training.

  • COVID-19 Related Questions

    1. What are the extra hygiene measures and procedures during the pandemic?

    Hand-washing: Children are reminded to wash their hands more frequently throughout the day. Proper hand-washing practice is taught and monitored by the teachers: wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizers are also available on site when there is no soap and water.

    Sanitizing/Disinfecting: All hard surfaces will be wiped down throughout the day, before and after use as well as at the end of each day. Any toys that go into a child’s mouth will be put into the disinfection. All surfaces and toys will be sprayed prior to leaving the room. All sensory bins, soft toys, pillows, dress-up clothes will be put away during the pandemic.

    Physical Distancing: Each class is considered as a “family/cohort.” Each “family/cohort” will keep physical distance from other “families” to assure safety. Classes will not be intermixed and will be with the same teachers as much as possible.

    Indoor Shoes Only Classroom: All children will wear indoor shoes before entering the classroom. Outdoor shoes will be placed in the hallway. Only “indoor shoes” can be worn in the classroom. Since children spend time on the floor, we want it to be as clean and safe as possible.

    Screening: It is in place for all children, staff and visitors before entering the center. Parents are asked to stop at the screening station when dropping off and picking up the children.

    2. How do children learn the language from teachers if a teacher’s mouth is covered by a mask?

    Teachers will wear a clear face shield during the circle time so that students can see their mouths.