
18-30 Months Old
  • Children in this stage start to show a sense of self and independence. They love to explore their surroundings, learn to express themselves and show interest in playing pretend.

    We provide a child-centered, free play environment with sensory, creative and cognitive activities, engaging the children with music, movement and songs. In group activities, we encourage social interaction among children and support them in cultivating a healthy sense of confidence and self-regulation.

    Mandarin Language

    80% Mandarin usage in the classroom. We introduce simple greetings, simple nouns and verbs and encourage children to practice on a daily basis. Children will be able to understand and respond to simple instructions, express their needs with 2-5 word phrases and sing along to short nursery rhymes.

  • Area of Learning

  • Practical Life

    Learn from real life practices through hands-on activities , such as how to use a spoon, button up and clean with brooms.

    Sensory Work

    Play with materials with interesting sensory attributes to refine motor skills and encourage cognitive thinking, such as bead string, cutting and puzzles, sorting and matching.

    Gross Motor

    Explore indoor and outdoor play with sand, water and balls, etc.

    Self-help Skills

    Learn how to dress and undress themselves, eat independently, cleanup after and toilet themselves.

  • A Day of a Toddler

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